14 December

FHA-HoReCa Singapore 2022

As the world’s leading foodservice and hospitality event in Asia, the FHA-HoReCa is the region’s most comprehensive international trade show. Taking place from 25–28 October 2022 at the Singapore Expo, it brought together the most extensive line-up of innovative hospitality products and smart technologies from across the globe for the fast-growing demands of Asia’s food and hospitality industry.

With participants from countries including Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, all the way to Maldives, the event served as a great platform to reach a wide range of visitors in the region—LionsBot took advantage of this and put on hourly demonstrations of their dynamic duo, the R3 Scrub and R3 Vac, where they captured the audience with their charming design and impressive versatility in cleaning.

While they are both compact, high-performance robots, they displayed their strengths in different areas. The R3 Scrub proved to be perfect for both sectors—capable of cleaning the hard floors in foodservice production facilities and warehouses, as well as the lobbies and multi-purpose halls in the hospitality industry. Meanwhile, the R3 Vac shone brightest in the hospitality sector with its ability to tackle small spaces like room corridors, seminar rooms, functions, and more.

Amidst the labour crisis and increasing standards of hygiene in the post-pandemic world, housekeepers from both industries showed a heightened interest in cleaning robots. As the forward-thinking cleaning company, LionsBot and their robots were poised to not only provide them with the tools they need, but to empower them to be the future of cleaning as well.

The FHA-HoReCa was a highly focused platform targeting to help the growth of the industry where the latest equipment and hospitality supplies were showcased, including LionsBot’s award-winning robots—enabling the company to further cement themselves in the region as the go-to for innovative, high quality autonomous cleaning robots.